
Convicted - Chapter 4: Happy Ending After All

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*3 days later.*
Doctor: *finds Ash* We've...found what was wrong with her when she died.
:iconhoodedashplz:: Just tell me already.
Doctor: She had a deep cut on the back of her head. It went so deep, it nearly touched her skull. By the time she discovered it, she had already lost a fatal amount of blood. And after that, no one was able to stop the blood flow enough or in time to save her.
:iconhoodedashplz:: ... "punches a hole in the wall" ... 10 years ago ... May was convicted of a false crime! ... Sentenced to a decade in prison she must've gotten that cut inside the Prison walls. ... Now ... I blame myself for not doing enough to save her! "glares at the doctor, while also looking like he's about to cry" SHE'S DEAD BECAUSE OF ME! :cries: I FAILED MY MAY! AHHHHHHHHHH! "punches another hole in the wall"
Doctor: Mr. Ketchum please! I must insist that you stop!
:iconhoodedashplz:: WHY SHOULD I!?
Doctor: Because there was no way you could've known. The cut was hidden in her hair and wasn't very wide at all. It was long and deep it's true, but it was only pencil thick. You would've had to look very closely to even have a chance of seeing it.
:iconhoodedashplz:: ... :tears: ... I don't know what to do. :( ... My life ... is ruined! My friends are gone, my best friend is dead, and my fiancée ... is ... dead. I feel like I have nothing left to live for!
Doctor: There is still plenty for you to live for. Your 20 years old and still have a bright future ahead of you. And you can start it all with this. *puts something into Ash's hands*
:iconhoodedashplz:: Dude! I have the body of a ten year old! ... "looks at the object the doctor gave him"
*In his hand is May's ring. Its the ring that she didn't take off since Ash had given it to her, the same night she was arrested*
:iconhoodedashplz:: ... :tears: ... "clamps the ring in his hand" ... I ... I have to go. "runs out of the Hospital
Doctor: But Mr. Ketchum!
:iconhoodedashplz:: ... Tears What!?
Doctor: want to say goodbye to her...? Before we send her to the funeral home?
:iconhoodedashplz:: ... Tears Yes. ... Yes I do.
Doctor: Well...go ahead. Please let us know when you're done.
:iconhoodedashplz:: ... "runs over to May's room"
:iconnewmayplz:: *lays in the bed, stiff and pale, eyes closed and no emotion on her face*
:iconhoodedashplz:: ... "trying to hold back his tears" ... Hello May.
*silence fills the room after he speaks*
:iconhoodedashplz:: I know you cant hear me right now ... but I still want you to know. ... I love you ... and I will always love you. "May Death do us part"? Screw that! I will love you even beyond death! ... I wish I would've known about your head injury sooner!
*only the humming of the machines responds to him*
:iconhoodedashplz:: ... :( "kisses May's head" I love you so much May. "slowly walks out of her room"
Doctor: *meets up with him* All done?
:iconhoodedashplz:: Yeah.
Doctor: All right. We'll have the funeral home notify you of the funeral's date. And take care of that ring.
:iconhoodedashplz:: Thanks.
Doctor: *leads him out of the hospital and closes the door behind him, leaving him alone on the side walk. The ring in his hand the only connection to May he has left*
:iconhoodedashplz:: ... :tears:
:iconpokemonmaxplz:: *spots him down the street and starts running to him* Ash! Hey, Ash!
:iconhoodedashplz:: :tears: Hey Max.
:iconpokemonmaxplz:: May's out of prison now right? How is she?
:iconhoodedashplz:: ... :tears: ... She's ... dead Max. ... She's dead.
:iconpokemonmaxplz:: ...Wait...what?
:iconhoodedashplz:: "tells Max how May died from a cut in the back of her head"
:iconpokemonmaxplz:: *sinks to the ground*
:iconhoodedashplz:: :cries: This is the only connection I have left of her. "holds her wedding ring"
:iconpokemonmaxplz:: *looks at the ring* That'
:iconhoodedashplz:: Yup.
:iconpokemonmaxplz:: I...I can't...believe it...May's...gone...
:iconhoodedashplz:: I'm so sorry Max! I did everything I could to save her!
:iconpokemonmaxplz:: I...I know you did. I...just wasn't true...
:iconhoodedashplz:: I'm with you on that one.
:iconpokemonmaxplz:: Well, guess I have to break the news to mom and dad. I'll see you at the funeral...right?
:iconhoodedashplz:: Yeah.
:iconpokemonmaxplz:: Ok. See you...Ash...*walks away, head down and dragging his feet*
:iconhoodedashplz:: :(
A week later, everyone is at the funeral. Ash, Misty, Brock, Tracey, Max, May's parents, Dawn, Iris, and even Serena and Drew. Plus many of May's coordinator friends. No one was crying harder then Mrs. Maple. Once she spots Ash, she goes up to him.
:iconhoodedashplz:: ... :icontearsplz:
Caroline: Ash, I just wanted to thank you for always being there for my...little angle...right up...until the end...*cries as she finishes as she remembers May*
:iconhoodedashplz:: No problem. ... :(
Caroline: You were good to her...she couldn't have asked...for a better...boyfriend...I only wish...she could've been...engaged to you...before she...d-d-died...
:iconhoodedashplz:: ... "shows Mrs. Maple May's wedding ring"
Caroline: *looks at it with awe as more tears start to form in her eyes* to her...?
:iconhoodedashplz:: ... I did ten years ago.
Caroline: T-ten years? Dear boy...why ever did you wait so long to marry her?
:iconhoodedashplz:: I never got a chance. ... She was arrested before I could let you guys know, also a bunch of doctors knocked me out with "Knock Out Gas".
Caroline: My daughter...was arrested?!?!?! *Looks like she's about to faint*
:iconhoodedashplz:: Here's the thing though, she didn't do anything wrong!
Caroline: *regains her composure* I...don't understand...what are you saying Ash...
:iconhoodedashplz:: ... "retells the events before May's arrest"
Caroline: *looks like she's going to faint again*
:iconhoodedashplz:: O_O
Caroline: Ash...the judge...f-found her...g-g-guilty...didn't he...
:iconhoodedashplz:: Yeah. ... But I couldn't make it to the trial? Why is that you ask? The doctors knocked me out during the trial!
Caroline: Oh! *bursts into tears and covers her face*
:iconhoodedashplz:: "hugs Mrs. Maple"
Caroline: *hugs him and cries* I promise will always be my son-in-law...official or not! She...loved you...and I couldn't be prouder of her for it!
:iconhoodedashplz:: ...
*Suddenly, May's casket opens.*
Everyone: *looks over at the casket*
:iconhoodedashplz:: ... O_O "runs over to the casket to see a revived May exit the casket"
Everyone: *mouths are agape*
:iconhoodedashplz:: ... :o ... "backs away from the casket"
:iconnewmayplz:: *speaks in a crystal clear voice* Hello, everyone. *turns to Ash* Hello, Ash.
:iconhoodedashplz:: ... :o (Eek) May!? ... Your alive?
:iconnewmayplz:: Yes.
:iconhoodedashplz:: *now takes a closer look at May. She's dressed in a beautiful white gown and a golden tiara with a delicate veil attached. Her hair is now long and flowing softly at her hips. Her skin almost has a light glow to it and her blue eyes are full of life and sparkling. She looks almost like an angle* May…you…you’re so beautiful…
:iconnewmayplz:: *gives a soft smile* Thank you Ash.
:iconhoodedashplz:: ... :tears: "hugs May" I don't care how you did it, but I'm so glad your back! :cries:
:iconnewmayplz:: *gently returns his hug* Thank you Ash.
:iconhoodedashplz:: ... Your welcome. ... Please, May. ... "kneels down on one knee and takes her hand and holds out the ring" I'll ask you again. ... Will you marry me?
:iconnewmayplz:: *smiles and holds out her hand for him* That, is the reason I came back.
:iconhoodedashplz:: ... :D "slips the ring onto her finger and picks May up Bridal Style" WE'RE GETTING MARRIED! :D
:iconnewmayplz:: *smiles and calls out to her friends and family* Who wants to change this funeral into a wedding?
Everyone: *cheers and yells in joy*
:iconhoodedashplz:: ... :D
:iconnewmayplz:: *turns to Ash* Well Ashy, are we getting married in a funeral home, or in a more romantic place?
:iconhoodedashplz:: A more romantic place would be nice.
:iconnewmayplz:: *leans her face next to Ash's and kisses his cheek, then whispers in his ear* Then what are we waiting for?
*3 hours later.*
:iconnewmayplz:: *smooth's down her dress as she hears the organ begin to play in the church. She stands beside her father, preparing to give her away*
:iconnewnormanplz:: I just got you back May. I'm not sure I want to let you go again.
:iconnewmayplz:: *giggles* It's ok Dad. Ash is wonderful and will treat me well.
:iconnewnormanplz:: I just have to know. How did you come back from the dead?
:iconnewmayplz:: Well, long story short, I convinced Arceus to pull a few strings and let me come back.
:iconnewnormanplz:: You met Arceus?! The Pokémon God?!
:iconnewmayplz:: *puts a finger to her lips and winks* Don't tell Ash.
:iconfancyashplz:: I heard that you know!
:iconnewmayplz:: *laughs and playfully shoves him* Ash! Get up to the alter!
:iconfancyashplz:: Hehe. Alright. But just so you know, I saved Arceus one time.
:iconnewmayplz::*smiles* I'm sure you did. Now get up there nd marry me. I've waited 10 years too long.
:iconfancyashplz:: Alright take it easy "Mrs. Ketchum"! :D
:iconnewmayplz:: *smiles* Not yet I'm not. But very soon I will be.
:iconfancyashplz:: :D
A few minutes later, Ash is at the alter and May is walking down the aisle with Norman, getting ready to go to Ash
:iconnewnormanplz:: *hands her over to Ash* Be good to her Mr. Ketchum.
:iconfancyashplz:: I will Norman.
:iconnewmayplz:: *smiles and stands beside Ash*
:iconfancyashplz:: :D
Once wedding ceremony later...
Priest: Do you, Ash Ketchum, take May Maple as your wife and promise to love and protect her forever
:iconfancyashplz:: I do.
Priest: And May Maple, do you take Ash Ketchum as your husband and promise to love him until you both shall die?
Everyone: *cringed at the word die*
:iconnewmayplz:: I do.
Priest: Then I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.
:iconfancyashplz:: "makes out with May"
:iconnewmayplz:: *kisses him passionately*
:iconfancyashplz:: :D
:iconnewmayplz:: I love you Ash...and that's a promise even Arceus knows.
:iconfancyashplz:: Same here.
:iconnewmayplz:: *kisses him again*
Here it is! The last chapter of this story! Hope you all enjoyed it!
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maxm2317's avatar
*the finale to the NFL 2006 reading of the US Declaration of Independence plays as the story comes to a close*