
Out of My Territory - Chapter 2: Both Worlds

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*Several hours later, Ash is asleep inside the cave.*
:icongrowlitheplz:: *sleeping in Ash's arms*
:iconarcanineplz:: *sniffs the bandages around Growlithe's leg and looks at them both curiously. After smelling blood under the bandages, she decides to leave the bandages on Growlithe's leg. She lays down beside them and falls asleep*
:iconashsleepy1plz:: *fast asleep*
*The next morning*
:iconashsleepy1plz:: *still asleep*
:icongrowlitheplz:: *yawns and stumbles sleepily out of the cave and into the forest*
*Ash stirs awake and sleepily walks out of the cave and into the forest.*
:icongrowlitheplz:: *yawns and shakes out his fur. He continues to walk around the forest*
:iconnudeashagplz:: *walks beside Growlithe through around the forest*
:icongrowlitheplz:: *smiles at him* *I didn't know you were up.*
:iconnudeashagplz:: *I am now.* :3
:icongrowlitheplz:: *What are you doing out here?*
:iconnudeashagplz:: *I'm hungry.*
:icongrowlitheplz:: *Well, you know the Pecha Trees are near here.*
:iconnudeashagplz:: *Uh huh.* :3
:icongrowlitheplz:: *So let's go!*
:iconnudeashagplz:: *Ok!*  
*They both run toward the Pecha Trees. At the base of one of them, they see the girl from the day before, laying her back against the tree trunk, her left leg covered in blood*
:iconnudeashdp3plz:: ...*'s you...What are you  doing here?*
:iconpokemonmayplz:: *sighs* ...I can't understand you...not unless you speak in English...
:iconnudeashdp3plz:: *But...I don't know how to speak this "English".*
:iconpokemonmayplz:: *reads his expression* ...You did yesterday...when you told me to get away from Growlithe...
:iconnudeashdp3plz:: ... What are you doing here?
:iconpokemonmayplz:: I'm looking for my Torchic...we were playing yesterday and he ran off in here...and I'm looking for least I was...I tried to get some berries to eat last night...and I fell out of the tree and well... *looks down at her blood covered leg*
:iconnudeashdp3plz:: Don't you have your human medication on you?
:iconpokemonmayplz:: Not for a broken leg...there's no medicine for that...
:iconnudeashdp3plz:: Then...I don't know what to do...
:iconpokemonmayplz:: Neither do I...I can't walk so I've been stuck here all night...and I still don't know where Torchic is...
:iconnudeashdp3plz:: So what am I supposed to do?
:iconpokemonmayplz:: I don't know...I didn't think you'd still be in the forest...I thought you'd gone home with your Growlithe...
:iconnudeashdp3plz:: I live here.
:iconpokemonmayplz:: Here? In the forest?
:iconnudeashdp3plz:: Yeah.
:iconpokemonmayplz:: But...why? There's a town just a few miles from here...
:iconnudeashdp3plz:: I don't care...I live here, and that's the end of it.
:iconpokemonmayplz:: ...Alright...but I don't...and I can't get home...
:iconnudeashdp3plz:: I...I don't know what it's like outside the forest...
:iconpokemonmayplz:: ...I'm sorry for that...but I can't leave without Torchic. I won't...
:iconnudeashdp3plz:: Then...I'll help you find him.
:iconpokemonmayplz:: What...? I thought...I mean...from the way you acted yesterday...that you didn't like me...
:iconnudeashdp3plz:: I don't like you...but a Pokémon in something I don't want hanging from my conscience.
:iconpokemonmayplz:: *gives a small smile* ...That's sweet of you...thank you *stops when she doesn't know his name* ...what is your name?
:iconnudeashagplz:: ...I believe my name is...Ash Ketchum...
:iconpokemonmayplz:: *smiles* It's nice to meet you...Ash.
:iconnudeashagplz:: I'd say it was a pleasure to meet you as well...but I hate humans. Now who are you, exactly?
:iconpokemonmayplz:: My name is May...May Maple...
:iconnudeashagplz:: *walks on all fours over to May and licks her face* ...That's my families way of your form of "shaking hands".
:iconpokemonmayplz:: *smiles and gives a little giggle* Thank you...
:iconnudeashagplz:: It's no trouble, Ms. May.
*With Ash's help, May was able to find Torchic playing with a Pidgey.*
:iconpokemonmayplz:: Torchic! *hugs him* I'm so happy you're ok!
:icontorchic-plz:: *smiles and hugs her back, then he looks down at May's leg covered in blood* Tor?
:iconpokemonmayplz::'s's just a break...I'll be fine...
:iconnudeashagplz:: Either way...I'm getting you outta here. You don't belong here anyway.
:iconpokemonmayplz:: *looks at him* But you said you don't belong there...and I couldn't ask you to go into a place full of people...considering how much you hate us...
:iconnudeashagplz:: I-
*Norman and Caroline appear from the thicker woods and run over to May.*
:iconnewnormanplz:: *hugs May* May dear! We've been worried sick! Where have you been?!
:iconpokemonmayplz:: Dad I'm ok I
Caroline: May! What happened to your leg?!
:iconpokemonmayplz:: It's just a break I'm gonna be
:iconnewnormanplz:: Who is this boy?! Did he do this to you?!
:iconpokemonmayplz:: No Dad he
:iconnewnormanplz:: *glares at Ash* You stay away from my daughter!
*While on all fours, Ash growls at Norman, then starts barking at him.*
:iconpokemonmayplz:: Ash! Dad! Stop it!
:iconnudeashos7plz:: *glares at them* Get outta here! All of you! You humans make me sick!
:iconnewnormanplz:: That's a two way deal buddy. *picks May up and takes her and Caroline away from Ash and out of the forest*
:iconpokemonmayplz:: *looks back at Ash sadly*
:iconnudeashos7plz:: *glares at the leaving people*
:icongrowlitheplz:: *looks up at Ash* *...You think she'll be ok...?*
:iconnudeashos7plz:: *She'll be fine! But then again, I have no concern for them anyway...*
*Ash, while down on all fours starts walking back to the cave.*
:icongrowlitheplz:: *runs after him* *But...she didn't seem like the others...*
:iconnudeashos7plz:: *Their all the same, Growlithe. ALL OF THEM. I will no longer bear any contact with their race. Not as long as I'm breathing...*
:icongrowlitheplz:: *But...she helped me get better...*
:iconnudeashos7plz:: *True...*
*Hours pass, and soon, dinnertime arrives.*
:iconarcanineplz:: *lays out a spread of berries for Ash and Growlithe* *You both were gone all day. What was so exciting?*
:iconnudeashos7plz:: *It...was nothing, momma.*
:icongrowlitheplz:: *Nothing? We had the best day! We met a girl named* *gets cut off as Ash puts his hand over Growlithe's mouth*
:iconnudeashos7plz:: *We met no one, momma. Our day was simply us playing around in the woods.*
:iconarcanineplz:: *...Well...alright. As long as you boys had fun.* *walks over to the back of the cave where they keep the food*
:icongrowlitheplz:: *looks up at Ash* *Why did you do that?!*
:iconnudeashos7plz:: *I didn't want her to know about the humans!*
:icongrowlitheplz:: *But she...she was so nice...I thought we were friends with her...*
:iconnudeashos7plz:: *I could never be friends with a human! You know that!*
:icongrowlitheplz:: *...You seemed ok with her...*
:iconnudeashos7plz:: *How could I be?*
:icongrowlitheplz:: *Well I did offer to bring her a human town...*
:iconnudeashos7plz:: ... *Key word being "offer"...*
*Meanwhile, at the town in which May is supposed to live in. Norman is organizing a protest in which its main goal is to capture Ash.*
:iconpokemonmayplz:: Dad please! Don't do this! He didn't do anything to me!
???: Says the child.
*The notorious Pokémon Hunter J appears in City Hall.*
:iconhunterjdpplz:: If you really wish to see this boy captured, then I am of your service.
:iconpokemonmayplz:: No! He won't hurt anyone!
:iconhunterjdpplz:: Do you have proof?
:iconpokemonmayplz:: Of course! He helped me find my lost Torchic! Even when I couldn't walk! And was so polite! Even when he did not like what I was! He won't hurt anyone!
:iconhunterjdpplz:: *glares at May* Sure he won’t. But I will if you don't allow me to collect my paycheck.
:iconpokemonmayplz:: *glares at her* Don't you dare hurt him!
:iconhunterjdpplz:: I will do as I see fit.
*Norman then realizes the amount of compassion May has toward the Feral Boy, and order J not to hurt him.*
:iconhunterjdpplz:: ...HOW DARE YOU!?
:iconnewnormanplz:: ...He hasn't hurt my daughter...and a lot could've happened to her after spending a whole night in a forest. But they didn't. So I won't retaliate against him for keeping my daughter safe.
:iconpokemonmayplz:: *smiles* Dad...
:iconhunterjdpplz:: *stands up and forms a fist* ...Very well then... *walks outside of City Hall*
*A few days pass, a happy, carefree Ash is wrestling an Ursaring.*
:iconursaringplz:: *standing looking down at Ash, smiling as Ash has no luck moving him*
:icongrowlitheplz:: *Go Ash!*
:iconnudeashos7plz:: *growls at Ursaring as his frustration becomes more visible*
*The battle ensues for a total of 30 minutes, however. Despite Ash's training, Ursaring emerges from the match victorious.*
:iconursaringplz:: *helps Ash back up* *Sorry little buddy.*
:iconnudeashagplz:: *It's alright, Ursaring. You had me outmatched. But...I promise, I will get stronger! And next time, I'll take you down.*
:iconursaringplz:: *That's the spirit. Keep up the hard work little buddy.*
:iconnudeashplz:: *I will!*
:icongrowlitheplz:: *runs over to Ash* *Good job!*
:iconnudeashagplz:: *Thanks, Growlithe.*
:icongrowlitheplz:: *That was much better than last time!*
:iconnudeashagplz:: *I thought so too.* :3
???: Ash? Growlithe?
:icongrowlitheplz:: *looks in the direction of the voice* *That's May!* *runs after the voice*
:iconnudeashagplz:: *Growlithe! Wait!*

*Ash gets down on all fours and runs after Growlithe.*
:icongrowlitheplz:: *runs and finds May standing in a feild and runs over to her and sits at her feet*
:iconpokemonmayplz:: *smiles and kneels down next to Growlithe and pets him* Hey there little buddy.
*Ash skids to a stop when he sees May, and glares at her presence.*
:iconnudeashos7plz:: You again?
We now get to see things from both the village and the forest points of view! Enjoy!
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